Signature Spaces

Exciting commercial opportunities, for new and established mall retailers and promoters, are available at Clifton Down Shopping Centre. The scheme has four promotional sites which are available on a short-term license basis. Further detail about the sites is available from Signature Spaces.
Clifton Down Shopping is a thriving and vibrant shopping centre offering high footfall and competitive rates. It is an ideal venue for you to rent a promotional site for direct sales, to sample or advertise your products, for a food and beverage location or for an experiential campaign.
For more details please visit Signature Spaces, email them on info@signaturespaces.co.uk or call 0141 248 940
Letting Agents
For details of shop units to let please contact:

Embassy House, Queens Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1SB
Tel: 0117 910 2202
Web: www.savills.co.uk